Monday, April 27, 2009

Are you kidding me?!?!?!

From Michael D'Antuono's website, this painting, to be displayed in NYC's Union Square South Plaza, is designed to be a "politically, religiously, and socially-charged statement on our nation's current political climate and deep partisan divide that is sure to create a dialogue."

Let me be the first to call "bullshit" on this one. This is not designed to create dialogue, this is designed to insult Christians. D'Antuono's "art" is tantamount to a Conservative artist depicting Obama as Hitler or a Nazi. Sure, it would create discussion, but it is nothing less than a direct insult.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Graham says waterboarding not best way to get information

Graham is a douche

So, I was watching Season 2 of "24" tonight and I got to the part where Jack Bauer fakes the execution of Syed Ali's kid to get him to confess where the terrorists were stashing the nuke. Though Graham is obviously pandering to the RINOs of the world and is speaking out against enhanced interrogation, he does have a point. Waterboarding may not be the most effective way of interrogating these bastards. We need to be more brutal. We need to make the real life Syed Ali's feel physical and emotional pain and suffering that they have never and will never feel again. The Shep Smith argument that we are America and we don't torture just doesn't work for me. We are America, we don't let terrorists get away with killing 3000 of our citizens. We don't let these butchers decapitate innocent journalists and medical personnel. We don't let them think we're going to go easy on them. Period.